Check to see if you are getting enough of the essential brain foods using this chart.

 Supplementing with Enzymes and Probiotics will enhance your absorption of all your food, and in turn, bring up your levels naturally. Try eating more whole foods with Enhanced Digestive Enzymes

Glucose Check – If you check 5 or more Supplement with E-Fusion, Enzymes, Proteolytic Probiotics

  • Usually eat white bread, rice, or pasta instead of brown or whole grain?
  • Crave certain foods such as carbohydrates?
  • Regularly have tea, coffee, sugary foods or drinks, or cigarettes during the day?
  • Eat fruit, vegetables or carbohydrates without protein foods at the same time?
  • Sometimes skip meals, especially breakfast?
  • Wake up un-refreshed or need something to get going in the morning, like coffee?
  • Often feel drowsy?
  • Sometimes lose concentration?
  • Get dizzy or irritable if meals are missed?
  • Avoid activities or exercise because of low energy?

Fat Check – If you check 5 or more Supplement with E-Fusion, RP3

  • Eat fish like ocean salmon less than once a week?
  • Eat seeds or cold pressed oils less than three times a week?
  • Do you eat meat or dairy products most days?
  • Eat processed or fried foods (Ready-made meals) 3 or more times a week?
  • Dry or rough skin or tendency towards eczema?
  • Poor memory or difficulty concentrating?
  • Suffer from PMS or breast tenderness
  • Experience water retention?
  • Suffer from dry or watery eyes?
  • Have inflammatory health problems like arthritis?

Phospholipids Check – If you check 5 or more Supplement with E-Fusion, Vitamin Supreme

  • Eat fish like ocean salmon less than once a week?
  • Eat fewer than 3 eggs per week?
  • Eat liver, soya or nuts less than 3 times per week?
  • Take less than 5g of lecithin each day?
  • Memory declining?
  • Forget what you were looking for?
  • Hard to do calculations in your head?
  • Difficulty concentrating?
  • Have tendencies towards depression?
  • Slow learner?

Amino Acid check – If you check 5 or more Supplement with RP3, E-Fusion, Minerals Real at Last

  • Eat less than one part of protein rich foods each day?
  • Eat fewer than two servings of vegetable sources of protein?
  • If you’re a vegetarian, do you rarely combine different protein foods?
  • Very physically active or workout a lot?
  • Suffer from anxiety, depression, or irritability?
  • Frequently tired or lack motivation?
  • Sometimes lose concentration or poor memory?
  • Very low blood pressure?
  • Hair and nails grow slowly?
  • Consistently hungry or frequently have indigestion?

Intelligent nutrient check – If you check 5 or more Supplement with RP3, E-Fusion, Herb Cocktail, Enzymes

  • Eat fewer than 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables? (excluding potatoes)
  • Consume less than 1 portion of dark green vegetables a day?
  • Have less than 3 portions of fresh or dried fruit a week?
  • Eat seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, and tahini) or unroasted nuts per week?
  • Currently not taking a multi-vitamin or mineral supplement every day?
  • Usually eat white bread, rice, or pasta instead of brown or whole grain?
  • Consume more than one unit of alcohol most days?
  • Suffer from anxiety, depression, or irritability?
  • Experience muscle cramps?
  • Have white marks on your fingernails?