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For those with chronic bowel problems who have relied on laxatives before, H/C Plus may be right for you if your bowels need more than simple encouragement to get them moving. Although this product contains some of the ingredients found in our Herb Cocktail, H/C Plus is different. It’s created for individuals who require something more intense. H/C Plus is custom tailored to help stimulate peristalsis. It IS NOT recommended for long-term use but as a stepping stone to our Herb Cocktail. H/C Plus is also excellent for those who suffer bowel infections, inflammation or injury.
Try Avena’s H/C Plus today if this seems to be the right cleanser for your situation.
SYMPTOMS of a lazy bowel; hard eliminations, painful movements, use of laxatives, strain, hemorrhoids, constipation, appendicitis, polyps, bloating, gas, Diverticulitis, IBS, & Colitis.
Ingredients: (per capsule)
Psyllium, Licorice, Cascara Sagrada, Red Clover, Kelp & Cellulose (vegetarian capsule).
Avena Commitment to Quality.
Q.How does it work?
A. The H/C Plus stimulates peristalsis action by activating the muscles to start working. This is very effective while taking the Herb Cocktail. As the Herb Cocktail is absorbing all the undigested fats into the gel, the H/C plus forces all the toxins through the Intestinal tract, to be eliminated.
Q Why would I need to take this product?
A. If you have a history of using laxatives, you may have found that the Herb Cocktail wasn't giving you satisfying results.Taking the H/C Plus, will stimulate bowel movement for those who may be experiencing constipation.
Q. How long can I use H/C Plus for?
A. It is NOT recommended for long-term use but as a steppingstone to our Herb Cocktail. Avena suggest taking the H/C Plus for 7 days and reassess. Keep going through this process until you can support a healthy bowel movement, and then move on to our Herb Cocktail.
Q.Why is the H/C Plus only recommended for temporary use?
A.H/C plus is tailored to help stimulate peristalsis. Therefore, its not a lifestyle product and its only recommended for a short period of time.
Q.What should I expect?
A. While taking the H/C Plus, you can expect an increase eliminations, abdominal pressure, and possible detox symptoms.
Q.What are some detox symptoms I may experience while taking this product?
A. Some possible detox symptoms are headaches, fatigue, gas, bloating, dehydration, cramps and Abdominal discomfort.
Q.Can I use the H/C Plus in conjunction with any other foods or supplements?
A. We recommend you take the H/C is conjunction with the Herb Cocktail, and the Para-Ease.