I’m incredibly impressed with the results I’m getting from Herbal Balance. I’ve always been prone to severe symptoms of imbalanced hormones. Since taking Herbal Balance I feel more emotionally and physically stable straight through the month. I won’t go a day without it! — Cheree Vogt, Steinba...
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I have used many nutritional supplements from many companies since 1922, but nothing compares to the Avena products. They are, in my opinion, the best! I also feel that the health education and support provided by Avena Originals is second to none! — Joan Kenmare, St. Anne, MB
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I have been struggling with hormonal migraines for about 30 years. I decided to experiment with Electric C and upped my intake to 5 grams (5,000 milligrams) a day. To my amazement, this took my migraines away! I have been using Electric C in this manner ever since. Most days I use about 2 tsp. If...
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No other supplements can come close in naturally assisting the body to heal! — Mona McClelland, Victoria, BC
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I no longer take ANY medications! I am now training for my next triathlon. Avena’s products products have literally made me a new person and I give God the glory for leading me to these healing tools! — Connie Anderson, Edmonton, AB
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Since taking the Avena Enzymes I feel like I’m digesting my foods like when I was 18 years old! — George Rovithakis, Calgary, AB
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I have had asthma and severe allergies for as long as I can remember. After weeks onEnzymes, Electric C, and Herb Cocktail I was completely free of all my prescription meds and breathing freely for almost three years now. My chest feels clear and I feel terrific! — Kim A., Edina, MN
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In a matter of two weeks on the Avena Products after suffering from a severe stroke I was unbelievably beginning to feel the nerves in my left leg, arm, and fingers! Now I have full feeling and this “coming back to life’ is amazing!” Thank you again. — Madalene Stanley, Kelowna, BC
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Thanks for giving me back my life Avena. — Carmel G, St.Pierre, MB
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My 4 year old daughter asks for Probiotic Powder regularly, especially when she’s not feeling well. When she was younger, she used to ask for “under tongue”. — Donna Loewen, Steinbach, MB
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