There is something Special about Kim Hartlin
If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Kim, you will feel the positive humble energy. Kim is a true testament to looking forward and manifesting health and wellness!
In his early forties, he decided on the health he wanted to have at 60, and he put 100% effort into manifesting that reality. Today he is one of the strongest most amazing people there is, he has so much to share and offer the next generations, we are proud to call him one of our Brand Ambassadors!
He runs raft trips down some of the most difficult rivers in the world & treks into the deep parts of India. Visit his Expedition site www.kimhartlin.com.
"There is something very special about Avena Originals products, there is nothing out there that would give me the power that I need to have to achieve what I have done in my life!"

The only guide to successfully run the BRAHMAPUTRA River without ever tipping a boat.

Developed his unique rowing stance called the running man which allows him to maneuver inflatable rafts with ease.

After 11 hours on non stop rowing he still finds time to workout at the gym

Featured in Olympia Magazine as one of the toughest senior citizens. Our performs most men in their 20's