Benefits: A powerful living cultured yogurt with all of the essential nutrients predigested so it’s much easier to assimilate, metabolize and convert into energy, muscle, hair, skin, bones, and keep the system running clean and efficient.

Benefits of Coconut: Young coconuts are one of the greatest health treats on the planet! The water contained in your coconuts is nature’s filtered water, and the meat contains essential fatty acids that fight Candida, bacteria, and aid greatly in enhancing overall health.  Call or shop around in your area to find them.


  • 1 Cup of Raw Almonds (soaked for 24 hours in pure water)
  • 1 tsp of Avena’s Probiotic Powder
  • 1 Young Thai Coconut
  • 1 Tsp of Honey


  1. Strain the almonds and wash after soaking overnight and then crack open the young coconut. Pour the coconut water into a glass or container, and add the coconut meat into the blender, along with the almonds and probiotic, blend adding enough coconut water to get a thick creamy texture.
  2. Blend really well. Mixture should be a thick creamy texture, if it’s not, add additional almonds. Pour the mixture into a sealable container. Allow the mixture to stand, covered with a paper towel, for 4 hours on a warm day and 6 hours on a cool day – this will allow for fermentation.

Use the nut culture on fruit, in smoothies, salad dressings, or eat plain. Seal and store the remainder in the refrigerator. The nut culture will keep up to a week, but will continue to get more sour each day.

Eat from 1 to 2 cups each day