Myth: Fat makes you fat. Truth: “It is true and false. While fat itself doesn’t create fat, it is a concentrated source of calories. If you eat a lot of fat in your diet, you’re going to consume a lot of calories, and yes, if over-consuming calories can make you fat. 

If you skip a meal, your body will think that you are in starvation mode and will, therefore, slow down your metabolism to compensate. You then tend to overeat at the next meal. Often, skipping a meal and then eating too much at the next one means that you have a higher total caloric intake than if you just ate more frequently throughout the day. A better approach is to eat small healthy meals and snack frequently to keep your blood sugar balanced.
Myth: Can I lose weight while eating whatever I want. Truth: To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you eat. It is possible to eat any kind of food you want and lose weight. You need to limit the number of calories you eat every day and/or increase your daily physical activity. Portion control is the key. Try eating smaller amounts of food and choosing foods that are low in calories. Remember: You can be skinny and sick, or even overweight and healthy.

Myth: I don't need to count calories if I eat good food >>>

Truth: Knowing the energy potential in your food is crucial for good health! Health is found in a balance of the right amount of energy needed to accomplish the tasks you perform each day: Too little and your organs, glands, tissues suffer; too much and your body weight and risk for diseases increase. Any person interested in their own health should understand the calories they are eating.

Myth: All Fats are bad. Truth: It is a long-held nutrition myth that all fats are bad. The fact is, however, that we all need fat. Fats aid nutrient absorption and nerve transmission, and they help to maintain cell membrane integrity, to name just a few of their useful purposes. However, when consumed in excessive amounts, fats contribute to weight gain, heart disease, and certain types of cancers. 

Not all fats are created equal. Some fats can actually help promote good health, for example, Coconut Oil, while others increase the risk of heart disease. The key is to replace bad fats (most saturated fats and trans fats) with good fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats).