Minerals & Trace Minerals: The building blocks of life!
Minerals are the most basic of nutrients, the bonding agents between you and food – allowing your body to absorb nutrients. Minerals are especially necessary for athletes and people in active sports because they must have minerals to be able to run. Your body’s minerals comprise only about 4% of your body weight, but they are keys to major areas of your health. Minerals keep your body pH balanced – alkaline instead of acidic. They are essential to bone formation and bone health. They regulate the osmosis of cellular fluids, electrical nerve activity and most metabolic functions. They transport oxygen, govern heart rhythm, help you sleep, and keep you emotionally balanced. Trace minerals are only .01% of body weight, but even deficiencies in these micro-nutrients may cause severe depression, PMS and other menstrual disorders, hyperactivity in children, hypoglycemia and diabetes, nervous stress, high blood pressure, premature ageing, memory loss, and poor health.
Minerals are essential. Hardly any of us get enough. Your body doesn’t synthesise minerals; they must be obtained from our foods. Minerals from plants and herbs are higher quality and more absorbable than from meat sources. Today’s diet of chemicalized foods inhibits mineral absorption. High-stress lifestyles that rely on tobacco, alcohol, steroids, and antibodies contribute to mineral depletion. Many minerals are no longer even sufficiently present in our fruits and vegetables. They have been leached from the soil by the chemicals and pesticide sprays used in commercial farming. Plant minerals from the earth and sea herbs are one of the most reliable ways to obtain minerals. Herbal minerals are whole foods that your body quickly uses. Minerals can give your body a boost. Eat organically grown produce whenever possible, and/or supplement with Avena’s Minerals – Real at Last.
Avena’s Minerals do not come any better – Electrically Formulated™ to enhance absorbability. This Electrically Available™ formulation lays down these food-grade minerals in a duplication of nature’s timeless wisdom. In the case of mineral formulations, more is not better. The body has to recognise the electrical matrix of minerals as food. Electrical integrity is the key for mineral supplementation to be of value to the body. do not come any better – Electrically Formulated™ to enhance absorbability. This Electrically Available™ formulation lays down these food-grade minerals in a duplication of nature’s timeless wisdom. In the case of mineral formulations, more is not better. The body has to recognise the electrical matrix of minerals as food. Electrical integrity is the key for mineral supplementation to be of value to the body.
What Are Minerals & Electrolytes?
The ocean has long been a source of peace and rejuvenation for humans; nutritional research suggests that part of the benefits from a trip to the beach are due to nutritive components of seawater—the world’s richest supply of minerals and trace elements. In Come Alive!, Bernard Jensen states that minerals make up the building blocks of our body, the substances that make our bones, our skin, our teeth–our human skeleton. 21 minerals are essential to human health. Some of these are referred to as essential trace elements because they are barely traceable by laboratory equipment, but the body still needs small amounts. Trace elements make the specific proteins (such as enzymes, haemoglobin, hormones, and other cells that support life).
An electrolyte is a mineral that is able to split into two electrical-charged ions when dissolved in a fluid like water or blood plasma. Electrolytes compose the blood and lymph and are capable of conducting electricity, that is so necessary for our body processes such as the conduction of nerve impulses. Electrolytes are particularly important to the body because when they split into two oppositely charged minerals, those minerals come alive. Dr Jensen says, “electrolyte combinations are always changing, always working, always influencing one another and the cells around them as if they were a thousand lights”.
Unfortunately, physical and mental stress depletes electrolytes and trace elements. But the most common cause of mineral or electrolyte deficiencies is lack of minerals in the soil our foods are grown in, according to Jensen. The standard American diet seems designed to deplete the body of minerals. White sugar and caffeinated beverages pull minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, out of the body. When grains, such as wheat and rice are refined, essential minerals (as well as other nutrients) are removed. Furthermore, the highly processed foods that many North Americans have come to rely on lack the nutrient vitality of whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
Modern agricultural practices are depleting our soil of minerals. We obtain minerals in our diets by eating plants that have absorbed minerals from the soil; or by eating animals that have eaten plants that have absorbed minerals from the soil. Traditionally, farmers replenished nutrient soil contents by composting and crop rotation. This process was helped by way of floods that occasionally redistributed minerals from the water to the soil. Today, flooding is controlled by dams and levies, and farmers have switched from using mineral-rich fertilisers to mineral-poor varieties that contain only nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
This is only a summary of a few of the changes that have occurred in farming during the last 60 years. Dr Charles Northern, M.D., is quoted, “Sick soils mean sick plants, sick animals, and sick people. Physical, mental, and moral fitness is primarily based on an ample supply and a proper proportion of minerals in our foods”. The bottom line is that the nutrient content of our fresh produce has also decreased over the last 80 years. Paul Bergner in The Healing Power of Minerals, reports that in 1914, one apple had 13.5 mg of calcium and 4.6 mg of iron. Today, an apple of the same size contains 7 mg of calcium and .018 mg of iron. This one astonishing piece of data speaks for itself. Raw green foods, for example, contain lightweight plant protein, trace minerals, and minerals that can neutralise acids, alkalize, and balance our body’s pH.
It is time for us to choose foods consciously, and perhaps dietary supplements, that contain essential minerals and electrolytic trace minerals.