What starts with fats and ends in Heart Disease and Strokes?

It’s a case of ‘wow that escalated quickly’. This little piece of cholesterol in our bodies is something we create internally. Yes, some of it comes from the diet but not as much as you think. A Harvard Health article published in February 2017, stated that only about 20% of the cholesterol in your bloodstream comes from the food you eat. Your body makes the rest.

Going against the grain…

This is contrary to popular widespread beliefs, that we get just a fraction of our food. What this means is that a strong emphasis must be placed on natural health to maintain the healthy ratios of cholesterol circulating within our body at any given time. It also can translate into the fact that NOTHING beats a healthy diet and lifestyle. Good food is a KEY to the whole picture, but it’s how you treat your body too.

Finding balance

The body as a whole should be treated as such. There is no single answer or pill. That’s why with Avena’s recommended lifestyle there are multiple key areas to address. Food is but one area. There is also: exercise, environment and total nutrition to consider as well. Like a table with four legs, each of them carries its own weight, but when one area begins to slide and slip, the whole table will wobble. If you’re looking at a system out of balance (one with too high of cholesterol for example), then you need to find the ‘support leg’ that is weak and help to address that need. The body knows it’s out of balance, but may not hold all the tools to complete the job. Avena’s nutritional supplements are here for exactly that reason, to help assist the entire body like a carpenter would adjust and fix the table. To lift and support the system to give the opportunity for growth and repair.

What is Cholesterol?

It’s a good idea to find out exactly what we mean when we use the term cholesterol, as it’s really a grouping of items under a broader umbrella; and to be fair, cholesterol is NOT LDL or HDL but rather carried by said lipoproteins (like an intra-cellular delivery service).

  • Chylomicrons are very large particles that mainly carry triglycerides (fatty acids from your food). They are made in the digestive system and so are influenced by what you eat.
  • Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles also carry triglycerides to tissues. But they are made by the liver. As the body’s cells extract fatty acids from VLDLs, the particles turn into intermediate density lipoproteins, and, with further extraction, into LDL particles.
  • Intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL) particles form as VLDLs gives up their fatty acids. Some are removed rapidly by the liver, and some are changed into low-density lipoproteins.
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are even richer in pure cholesterol since most of the triglycerides they carried are gone. LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol because it delivers cholesterol to tissues and is strongly associated with the buildup of artery-clogging plaque.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles are called “good” cholesterol because they remove cholesterol from circulating to the artery walls and return it to the liver for excretion.


By sheer definition, cholesterol is a sterol, which means it’s a type of steroid. Not those steroids that bodybuilders use to get bigger muscles. Rather, it is a precursor used in the production of steroid hormones (Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone among others).  Beyond this, cholesterol is found in every cell in the human body. It is quite important to overall cellular health and integrity. You can almost think of it as the lubrication and communication medium. With so much cholesterol used by so many different parts of our cells,  it uses the bloodstream (the interbody highway). It’s by tapping into the bloodstream that we traditionally measure ‘cholesterol’ (LDL, HDL and Triglycerides). It may not be 100% accurate but will provide an idea as to the amount (and sometimes type) of lipoproteins traversing throughout the body. It’s from these measurements that relationships with common health problems were found; forming discovery and research into Hypercholesterolemia.


Why are younger adults facing strokes, heart attacks, & various heart diseases at younger ages than any generation before us?


In the 1970s, there was a new medical term making itself known; Hypercholesterolemia, which translates into too much cholesterol. Beginning to take notice middle age men were found to have LDL levels that exceeded 240. These same men were also amongst the greatest incidence of heart disease and other related heart conditions. From here the values were decreased because of such high incidences, only to be lowered a few years later. Now, some 50 years after it was first well documented the level of concern is a mere fraction of the original value (180 basically calls for concern).


Having high LDL (Bad Cholesterol) levels is thought to drastically increase your risk for cardiovascular & heart diseases which are commonly known as: Angina, Atherosclerosis, Heart Attacks, Heart Failure, Strokes & Cardiac Arrest.

 It is believed that people living the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) are at the highest risk because these habits lead to high levels of LDL. Several of these habits include:

  • Inactivity: With a majority of North Americans spending less than 10min per day with any activity.
  • Obesity: According to recently published stats, 68.8 % of adults are overweight or obese, with adult males delivering the worse stat of 74% being considered overweight or obese.
  • Too many negative food choices: The consumptions of bad fats, high sodium foods, processed sugars, lack of vegetable fibres and overly refined foods.

For most of us over the age of 30, this conventional thinking was more like a fact, is was common logic and undisputed. We routinely visited our family doctor who would measure or HDL & LDL levels and give warnings accordingly. If your LDL levels are higher than it was deemed healthy you would typically be diagnosed with Hypercholesterolemia.



If you find yourself on the wrong side of the whole cholesterol level, that’s okay; there are still plenty of options. The traditionally suggested method is to remove saturated fats from the diet. Following this regime for 30 days can cause a drop off in LDL levels. For most people, this is merely a short-term solution. A temporary change can cause a quick reset, but if you quickly revert to the habits of what was causing the high cholesterol, then you will quickly find yourself back to the higher levels.

If we are overproducing, the question is why…

This can apply to more than just the foods we’re eating. Remember that our bodies produce the majority of the cholesterol in our bloodstream and within our cells. If we’re overproducing, the question would need to be why. A stimulus to create an abundance had to come down to body communication. The liver and other cholesterol producing organs must be getting messaging that more, more, more needs to be made.



After chatting with your doctor or healthcare provider and finding that your levels are still unbalanced another approach may be suggested; using prescription medication. The two most recommended courses of action after diet are Statin medications or daily Aspirin. One may have a higher value over the other dependant on the person who had the high LDL and previous methods used to bring back balance. (Aspirin to thin the blood and Statins to stop production). There are negative effects of introducing Aspirin or Statins that will change how your body deals with cholesterol.
These are designed to slow down or stop completely the production of lipids (just like those lipoproteins in the various forms of cholesterol). The essence of this medication is to help those at a risk, multiple blind studies have concluded that while they reduce lipids, they are not nearly as effective as Niacin (Vit B3 or fibre) for reducing LDL while maintaining or increasing Triglycerides and HDL. While this may be the route for some, it is not the right path for all. The benefit of our world is we have choices, options and opportunity. 

“Although statins can lower cholesterol, they reduce the risk for heart disease mainly through their anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting effects. However, statins have many side effects, some very serious, and for most people do not greatly reduce the risk of heart disease. **Robert G. Smith, PhD (Research Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania)

 He goes on to recommend a natural approach he feels would be superior to the statin drugs.  Pairing Avena with his solution would include Electric C, E-Fusion, Ionic Magnesium along with Vitamin Supreme.

A Diet of Statin Drugs

The side effects of the most common statins
are well documented.

If your tests reveal high LDL, you would receive a prescription of Statin Drugs (see did you know) and a strong warning to use them. What they don’t often tell you is the dangers around statin drugs. Here is a short list of some of the known side effects you may experience while using Statin Drugs to lower your LDL Cholesterol.

¨ Muscle Pain

¨ Rhabdomyolysis

¨ Unusual fatigue or weakness

¨ Loss of appetite

¨ Pain in your upper abdomen

¨ Dark-coloured urine

¨ Yellowing eyeballs and skin

¨ Develop Type 2 Diabetes

¨ Liver Damage

¨ Memory Loss

¨ Confusion

¨ Headache

¨ Difficulty sleeping

¨ Flushing of the skin

¨ Muscle aches, tenderness

¨ Weakness (myalgia)

¨ Drowsiness

¨ Dizziness

¨ Nausea or vomiting

¨ Abdominal cramping or pain

¨ Bloating or gas

¨ Diarrhea

¨ Constipation

¨ Rash

Statin Drug Names

¨ Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
¨ Fluvastatin (Lescol, Lescol XL)
¨ Lovastatin (Mevacor, Altoprev)
¨ Pravastatin (Pravachol)

¨ Rosuvastatin (Crestor)
¨ Simvastatin (Zocor)
¨ Pitavastatin (Livalo)



An interesting book to read is ‘Wheat Belly’ by Dr. William Davis. In this book, he discusses how diets rich in grains (like wheat) can directly affect cholesterol levels. In just Feb 2017 Dr Davis posted a blog stating that most people, unfortunately, continue to focus on fat consumption, especially saturated fat, as the cause for high cholesterol and have been led to believe that cutting saturated fat and statin drugs are the solution. So let me try and clear up this somewhat confusing issue and show you that 1) there is no real benefit to cutting saturated fat, 2) grains and sugars cause distortions that increase cardiovascular disease, and 3) statin drugs do not fully address the causes of cardiovascular disease, accounting for their relatively trivial benefits.”

Cholesterol does not directly cause Cardiovascular Disease

What is happening in the case of Cardiovascular Disease is a combination of problems coming together. Higher levels of LDL will begin to oxidize when exposed to high levels of free radicals. This oxidization effect causes inflammation in the arteries which is believed to be the real cause behind Cardiovascular Diseases. If we cannot blame Cholesterol for Atherosclerosis, we have to blame our lifestyles which are creating the plaque and build up in our arteries.

Controlling vs Causation?

When researching Cholesterol, you will probably find this idea of increasing the HDL (good Cholesterol) to help combat the LDL. This is because the HDL can bind to the LDL preventing it from sticking to your arteries. Although this all sounds good, consider this more of a symptom approach and the best line of action is to allow the body to detoxify the LDL from the bloodstream.

Anything that only alleviates the symptom will always be inferior to a solution that addresses the cause of the problem.

Don’t Hate Cholesterol, learn to love it

Our bodies must have cholesterol, that’s why it makes it. So, instead of stripping your natural ability to produce lipids, the greatest idea to find harmony and balance, creating a system that is the perfect ratio for you. The hard part is discovering what your balance is, and where it is when it comes to the LDL, HDL and Triglyceride levels circulating your body at any given time. Using foods and supplements can work from one side, while your bodies own natural production balances on the other end. There is no need to completely remove cholesterol from your diet, because if you do that your body sensing none will need to create more. On the flip side, your body is always going to make cholesterol so if your diet and lifestyle are full of things that enhance or burden you with more than you need the scales will tip too far to that side. It shouldn’t be a love-hate relationship, but one of equal support on both sides, a win-win is always what you should pursue.

The Avena Experience

There is a lifestyle that is the lifeline and backbone of Avena Originals; it focuses on unadulterated, whole foods, consumed in the most natural forms possible, maintaining the rich natural content of enzymes, healthy bacteria and unbound amino acids. Our entire product line is built around these fundamental principles which allow us to work seamlessly with the human body to heal, prevent disease or maintain ideal health. These food supplements are naturally rich in: vitamin E, niacin and vitamin C, magnesium, healthy oils and fats. At your disposal are the tools to balance your internal ‘cholesterol scale’.

Enzyme Therapy

Adding extra vitamins and minerals is one great option for a natural alternative to restoring and reinvigorating your body. Over the last few years, several kinds of research have been conducted on the use of enzymes as a means of improving human health. Due to this, more and more medical practitioners are embracing Enzyme Therapies as it is exciting to see new options opening up for prevention and possible treatment of heart disease by the mainstream medical community. Supplementing with digestive enzymes, away from meals you can effectively increase the body’s capacity to break down undigested foods. This would include undigested fats, proteins, and carbohydrates among others.

In her book, Digestive Wellness, Dr Elizabeth Lipski talks about using enzymes as a means to counter the high LDL levels in the blood; specifically Lipase (fat-digesting) and Protease (protein-digesting), thereby reducing the overall levels.

It’s understandable to see with these particular enzymes as the “L” in Lipase stands for lipoprotein, literally fat+protein. If you’re dealing with an imbalance of these lipoproteins, Lipase & Protease are exactly the workers for the job; especially if taken apart from meals. The potential is uplifting.

Together they can potentially be as effective as statin drugs without any of the negative side effects.


As always the power of change and control lies within each of us. When the majority of this cholesterol comes from internal creation, the balancing of production quite literally resides within us. Keeping your food and diet fair and measured will promote greater wellness, and with that easier cholesterol maintenance.  Some slight tweaks and changes for short shifts of time can help reset and do a quick realignment. The goal is to measure the control of cholesterol levels. Cholesterol itself isn’t the enemy, neither is it fat, the problem resides when the amounts are ‘out of bounds’. The great news is this, like many other caveats in our health today, it is redeemable and achievable. We know that health begins in the bowel and digestive tract, so whenever in doubt that is always the best place to start. (Have you tried Avena’s Herb Cocktail? If not NOW is the time!) Starting from the core of the human body is the foundation of everything. If that’s not where you’re starting, it should be considered.

Cholesterol Enzyme Therapy

If you are suffering from high LDL or using statin drugs,
try this natural food-based approach.

 On an Empty stomach try the following:

Avena’s Lipase: 5 capsules, 3 times per day.

Avena’s Protease: 5 capsules, 3 times per day.

OR 10 Super Digestive Enzymes 3 times per day.



Avena has always taken the standpoint that 95% of diseases begin in the gut and bowels. You couldn’t have a cholesterol problem without first having a bowel problem, Having healthy intestines is the first and primary step to preventing Cardiovascular Diseases. Always make sure you are eliminating as often as you eat. Consider Avena’s Herb Cocktail for a safe, easy tool to assist you in cleansing your bowels while providing the body with the means to pull cholesterol out of your blood and then out of your body.

A DIFFERENT look at health.

When we look at ourselves as individual organs/glands sharing a large outer shell, it is easy to get lost in a symptom-oriented approach. Avena believes we need to look at our health as one mechanism that works as a whole. When one part is stressed it affects all parts, hence we need to tread our body as a whole and resist the urge to treat a singular organ, tissue or gland. We cannot spot heal. Improving our health means improving all organs tissues and glands, this is how we naturally heal ourselves from any disease, disorder, or infection.

Preventing Atherosclerosis

The previous paragraph explained a combination of problems that occur to create Atherosclerosis. If we look at each step there are apparently things we can be doing to prevent this combination from occurring.

  1. Combat Free Radicals with Antioxidant-rich foods, Vitamin C’s
  2. Prevent the LDL from remaining sticky with Lipase enzymes which break down the oxidized LDL
  3. Prevent high blood pressure with Vitamin E rich foods like E-Fusion, blood cleansing, and clean eating habits.
  4. Reduce inflammation with Protease Enzymes which have been shown to be an excellent anti-inflammatory

The best way we can prevent Atherosclerosis is to practice some fundamental principles of healthy living; Make sure our bowel movements are frequent and regular. Eat clean and healthy foods, avoiding processed, packaged foods. Exercise our Cardiovascular system daily.  The Avena experience summarizes this entire lifestyle.


If you have previously had a heart attack these cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are prescribed regardless of your LDL levels. Many patients are on statins drugs to lower their cholesterol even though there LDL numbers were far below the minimum levels. It comes from the assumption if you have had a heart attack, your cholesterol must be high, even if all your tests suggest otherwise.


Since the most important thing you can do for your health and Cholesterol is to keep your bowels healthy and happy. The HERB COCKTAIL is so much more than a Bowel management tool, it works through your entire system to cleanse, detoxify, and regenerate.

Try 2 Teaspoons 2X per day on an Empty Stomach


Niacin is essential to help clean and move the blood through our bodies.

Niacin can expand the capillaries meaning 300% increase in blood movement.  A Great Vitamin complex that exceeds industry absorption rates. Experience the best!

Try taking 8-12 Capsules 2X per day


Enzymes are the key to deal with fats and proteins in our bloodstream; you can prevent many of the prerequisites of cholesterol or Atherosclerosis. by taking enzymes and using enzyme therapies.

Try 5 Super Digestive Enzymes 4X per day away from food. 30 Days later recheck your LDL levels for marked improvements.