Enzyme Delays

Unavoidable Enzyme Delays

Some of you are aware of the delay in our enzyme production. I want to take this time to chat with you about what happened. This product was postponed by excessive delays from Health Canada to provide an updated NPN number.

In June we were notified that our approved producer of the beet fibre we had been using (as our alternative to magnesium stearate), had decided to stop producing it, and it would no longer be available in the market.

 We quickly found a replacement: Rice complex made of rice bran (like the E-Fusion). We submitted this change to Health Canada in early July 2018. Legally we are not allowed to blend, mix, or move forward using this change of ingredients until Health Canada approves it. This process usually is 2-4 weeks, but this is where the delay occurred. Finally getting approval from Health Canada in the first week of November, we were able to start our 12-week process.

This situation put enormous stress on our manufacturing facility as Avena was already running very low on stock, and had been anticipating the whole process to be completed by late September. We regret that this situation to have happened, especially in the Christmas season, but it was merely out of our hands.

We will aim to be more proactive and ready, but the fact remains we can only control so much. Our goal is to produce an excellent, most effective Natural Health Products that we can to give our clients the best possible outcomes.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter; myself, and all of us here at Avena wish you the very best, and healthiest, 2019! - Kameron Tarry, VP