Were you looking for just one more reason to lose those unwanted pounds?

When you focus on regaining your health, it is often understood that it means losing weight, specifically fat or cellulite. Even for those blessed with slimmer figures, the desire is to have that magic ratio of fat to muscle. So why is there a preconceived relationship between ‘fat’ overweight and health? It’s because there entirely is, but it may not be what you initially think.

It’s true that those who don’t eat or exercise properly may have more than the required amounts of fat on their bodies. I say this because both men and women need some fat. Men, tend to need less, women a little more; however, this applies to more than just what we can physically see from the outside. Your adipose tissue (fat) is a crucial player in your hormone levels, this tissue causes and encourages inflammation inside the body through disharmony in their receptors (Adipokine). The visceral fat (abdominal fat) suffocates the areas surrounding your vital internal organs. This pressure decreases their effectiveness and ability to function by a significant factor. Visceral fat has been directly linked to some significant health concerns (Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, and Sexual Dysfunction) because of the stifling of communication that these fat cells are causing.

Armed with this understanding as to the negative effects of being overweight it should be easy motivation to eat healthier and start a fitness program. Well, what happens is a multi-faceted effect; when your body loses weight, there’s a decrease in the burden to specific areas. Losing 1 pound of weight is equal to 10lbs less of pressure on the knees. So for those who are suffering from knee, ankle and feet problems losing excess weight can lighten the load dramatically! So in the physical aspect, there is an excellent advantage to reducing and eliminating excess weight.

The question then becomes what happens after the first few pounds start to drop off, and that initial high from your new regime starts to fade; when you start to lose the energy you just regained? When people begin to lose weight (fat) what causes the mix of emotions? On one hand, they start to feel more energy and a sense of accomplishment. Why then in those first few weeks/months does it seem that they experience energy fluctuations from high to low, headaches, body aches and skin that feels extra dry and itchy.

The real danger from these fats are the toxins they are helping to hide in our bodies. On the inside of your body, there is a constant war going on. Your body is always patrolling for things that don’t belong. What happens is certain toxins (viruses, bacteria, yeasts, etc.) have adapted to this. As a means of ‘hiding’ from your own natural defences, these toxins can surround themselves with a layer of fat, to hide their presence in the body. It is much like a creative form of camouflage. For true and lasting health it’s critical to take away their hiding spots and remove these toxins.

You want pure direct communication from your head down to your toes and from your internal organs to the brain. This network becomes diluted or filtered through layers of adipose tissue (fat). For your body to correctly interact as a cohesive unit, proper feedback and communication are vital. When your tissues have toxins in their safe fat surroundings, it’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing running rampant inside your body.

When you address these toxins, you experience a higher well being. The discomfort comes from the fact that when these toxins are exposed, you have to address them. For those who begin the weight loss journey and are faced with headaches, stiffness and soreness it’s because these toxins that were lying dormant now have to be factored in. Your kidneys and liver have greater workloads temporarily while they filter and deal with the toxins. Not all toxins and chemicals are created equal.

Water-based toxins are removed simply by consuming more water and flushing them from the system. It’s been documented that people can lose weight by merely increasing their water intake and not changing their diet. This is because the water is acting as the filter and remover of the toxins that are being held by the body. When you dump and lose those toxins, the weight and the burden they’re creating in your body leave with them.

Fat-soluble chemicals are a little trickier in that these can often have a more significant impact on the body in both the short and long term. These can usually reside in and hinder organs, and potentially the brain (which is made predominantly of fat) through disruption of adipokines which has shown a relationship with dementia. Viruses often encase themselves in fats as well as a means of ‘protection’ from our immune system. The classic example is for those people who regularly get flare-ups of infections from the same virus. A virus that’s never fully removed but rather killed off enough, so we don’t ‘feel’ the effects of it anymore. So why not combat and get rid of these infections and toxic substances for good.

Yes, when you start to lose fat you can open yourself to the possibility of ‘feeling gross’, but you’re giving your body the opportunity to expel these toxins once and for all. When you lose the toxins, you’ll feel better, and as a bonus, you will lose the weight as well. So how do you help this process? You need to keep your body PURE. Use food and regular physical activity as your medicine, and you’ll start the weight loss journey. Once the weight starts to fall, you’ll experience the opportunity to retake your health; from both a health standpoint and a physical one.

Read more details on our Fall 2014 edition on PURE – An acronym for the simple truths regarding detoxification.